The quality of life (QoL) in the Alps is facing several challenges such as climate change, closure of services of general interest, etc. To tackle these challenges, local communities should be able to monitor the QoL, identify local needs in this regard, integrate the topic of QoL into policymaking, and thereby making the policy-making process more inclusive. By introducing existing tools and instruments focused on QoL to Alpine communities, GOVQoL aims to improve the governance capacity of these communities. Aligned with Alpine Convention and EUSALP objectives, GOVQoL seeks to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and instruments across the governance structures in the Alps.
- 2021 – 2027
- Cooperatively managed and developed Alpine region
- SO 4.1 - Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies
- 442.500 EUR
- 331.875 EUR
- Lead partner
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
- Ljubljana
- Naja Marot
- naja.marot@bf.uni-lj.si
- Germany
- Oberbayern (DE21)
- Übersee
- Katharina Gasteiger
- info@alpenallianz.org
- Italy
- Piemonte (ITC1)
- City Torino
- Erblin Berisha
- erblin.berisha@polito.it
- France
- Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
- Grenoble
- Julika Jarosch
- julika.jarosch@cipra.org
Identification of governance gaps and local needs for preparation of place-based policies concerning QoL within the Alpine area
Multiple organisations co-operate to identify governance gaps and the needs of Alpine communities in regard to QoL and societal well-being. The co-operation first materialises within 5 Alpine countries (AT, DE, FR, IT, SI) due to language limitations. Afterwards, the outcomes of WP1 are jointly evaluated and summarised in an on-site workshop to elaborate on Alpine specifics of QoL governance and its gaps. PPs, Alpine convention(observer) and some of the local communities participate in this. -
Roadmaps to strengthen and improve local governance in regard to QoL
Each of 10 local communities use collaborative approaches to prepare 2 roadmaps: 1st aims at strengthening local governance: integration of QoL into existing policies and policymaking processes on various gov. levels. Second one aids local civil society to monitor how local adm. is performing in regard to their societal well-being. -
The Alpine roadmap on better local governance for the quality of life
Finally, the Alpine roadmap is prepared jointly by PPs to guide Alpine organisations, active in governance, pursuing QoL as policy topic on supranational level. Alpine roadmap represents a synthesis of the work done on the local level and includes guidelines on how Alpine communities can intensify sensitivity to QoL in the governance, and which instruments/tools appeal to the Alpine context most and could be transferred. -
Roadmap development process as pilot action in the local communities
Pilot action consists of the roadmap development process in 10 local communities. PA entails inclusion of the representatives of the communities into knowledge capacity building seminars to teach them about available governance tools, engagements of various local stakeholders in the workshops and other activities, all with the purpose to prepare two roadmaps for each of the communities. Pilot action results in a technical report on the process of co-development and validation of roadmaps.