Programme priorities
In 2021-2027, the Interreg Alpine Space programme co-finances projects contributing to four main objectives or priorities. Each priority can be declined in specific objectives, which define the direction in which we want to develop the Alpine region.

Challenges for the Alpine Region
Europe is facing several ongoing mega-trends to which the Alpine region is not immune. Globalisation, climate change and digitalisation are some of the most important ones. Their acceleration influences economies and societies, which calls for adequate responses from stakeholders working across borders.
Climate change
Even though the area is currently already experiencing the first direct impacts through extreme weather events, the impacts on ecosystems, territories and economies are often uncertain and some are not yet known. The implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures are amongst the priorities of governments and civil society organisations.
Digitalisation offers a considerable amount of options for cooperation, both in terms of opportunities and constraints that need to be assessed and weighted up e.g. in the context to achieve carbon neutrality. To reach the latter, the potential of a circular economy is key and needs to be further exploited and supported.
Territorial transformation
The rapid urbanisation in many regions of the Alpine region goes along with population decline in other regions and a decrease in services of general interest. As cities become more populous and urbanised, the demand for energy, food and water has risen steadily. This has made it more difficult for public authorities to manage growth and land use interests in urban and peri-urban areas.
The Alpine region has also a long-standing tradition of cooperation through a variety of formats. All initiatives underline the need for greater coordination between different stakeholders and the alignment of resources and strategies to address challenges that know no borders. Still, there is scope for improvement in multi-level governance.
Our four priorities
Interreg Alpine Space act as a driver for stakeholders who are willing to put into practice fresh ideas on climate resilience and green infrastructure, carbon neutrality, innovation and governance. The programme support projects that grasp opportunities for economic growth or take stock and capitalise on achievements in place. The ultimate goal is to make the Alpine region greener and smarter, and help advance actions in the policy fields covered by EUSALP. Our four priorities are:
Priority 1
Climate resilient and green
Alpine region

Priority 2
Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region

Priority 3
Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region

Priority 4
Cooperatively managed and developed Alpine region