Ecologically fragile alpine sites are exposed to overcrowding and nature-based activities, which impact species by fragmenting or destroying their habitats and disturbing their reproduction phases. Biodiversity loss from nature-based activities, a trend observed across the Alps, requires region-wide solutions. By involving local stakeholders, LiveAlpsNature addresses the increase in tourism by guiding long-term behavioural changes to reduce impacts on biodiversity and create sustainable nature-based activities.
- 2021 – 2027
- Climate resilient and green Alpine region
- SO 1.2 - Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
- AG2 Economic development
- AG6 Natural resources
- AG7 Ecological connectivity
- 2.729.503 EUR
- 1.880.177 EUR
- Lead partner
- France
- Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
- Chambéry
- Guido Plassmann
- guido.plassmann@alparc.org
- Austria
- Salzburg (AT32)
- Salzburg
- Arnulf Hartl
- arnulf.hartl@pmu.ac.at
- Italy
- Piemonte (ITC1)
- Varzo
- Daniele Piazza
- direttore@areeprotetteossola.it
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
- Bled
- Majda Odar
- majda.odar@tnp.gov.si
- Switzerland
- Ostschweiz (CH05)
- Zernez
- Samuel Wiesmann
- samuel.wiesmann@nationalpark.ch
- Germany
- Oberbayern (DE21)
- Berchtesgaden
- Ulf Dworschak
- Ulf.Dworschak@npv-bgd.bayern.de
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FRL0)
- Gap
- Pierrick Navizet
- pierrick.navizet@ecrins-parcnational.fr
- France
- Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
- Annecy
- Juliette Buret
- juliette.buret@cen-haute-savoie.org
- Austria
- Vorarlberg (AT34)
- Feldkirch
- Jakob Dietachmair
- jakob.dietachmair@cipra.org
- Italy
- Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste (ITC2)
- Champdepraz
- Daniele Stellin
- info@montavic.it
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
- Bohinjsko jezero
- Klemen Langus
- klemen.langus@bohinj.si
- Germany
- Schwaben (DE27)
- Immenstadt
- Martin Soutschek
- martin.soutschek@outdooractive.com
- 45.5638749999999965.925742711213934
- 47.808923313.0312506
- 46.20671438.2544931
- 46.368757314.1188705
- 46.6997293510.096186373340856
- 47.633735913.0006247
- 44.56120326.0820639
- 45.91829076.1347254442053
- 47.23837689.5968524
- 45.68533167.6577653
- 46.28748880000000613.894249499999999
- 47.56358369999999510.210101011640177
Guidelines for Alpine Protected Areas managers & tourism destination managers including concept & protocol for biodiversity impact analysis of nature-based activities
Manual to identify and explain problems and impacts of NBA on biodiversity by definition of pressures of NBA with specified indicators to compare the effects of these activities and the awareness of NBA practitioners towards biodiversity. The manual is based on an experience exchange between all PP & especially the APA. The manual indicates the most urgent fields to act on challenges & impacts on biodiversity from NBA by an agreed ranking between the PP at an alps-wide level performed by all PP. -
The Alpine Protected Areas’ roadmap on nature based activities: transnational management & communication solutions for innovative and biodiversity-friendly models in the Alps
Roadmap including data driven approaches to control visitor flows, sustainable mobility solutions & OHA based offers with common standards, measures & communication instruments to sensitize on impacts of NBA. The management & communic. instruments targets APA managers, tourism profess. & political decision makers. It includes new offers, legal restrictions & important parts for a communic. campaign for NBA users, based on digital online platforms & strategic goals of EUSALP AG2,subgroup tourism -
Pilot actions in Alpine Protected Areas applying project outcomes as management measures, innovative visitor offers and integrated information systems within digital platforms
Apply in APA concrete measures of visitor & NBA management on the ground by limitation of visitor concentration in fragile sites through OHA based innovative offer for NBA. Visitor guiding & sensitization through the implementation of integrated information systems & digital tools in online platforms for NBA & in digital information systems of participating APA. Coop. with dedicated platforms for a large integration of biodiversity protection-related data in their platforms (see toolbox – O 3.2) -
Toolbox with digital open data set for visitor management and innovative nature-based activities offers considering biodiversity protection and health aspects for digital platforms
Toolbox as information package with protocol of technical description and provision of a data set for open-source data (including def. of data types) to be integrated in digital online platforms to better manage visitor flows (information, sensitisation, access restrictions…) completed by innovative offers based on the OHA to inform about natural areas and raise visitors’ awareness of biodiversity protection needs. These com. instruments are addressing visitors NBA practitioners & wider public.