Integration of bioDIVERSity conservation within bioEnergy production for a low-carbon energy mix in the Alpine region.
News & Events


The fragile ecosystems of the Alps and the recent energy crisis require a rethinking of the energy production model to ensure sustainable use of local resources. Biomass provides a unique opportunity to generate energy from waste and residues, supporting the flexibility of renewable energy systems. In this context, DIVERSE tackles the conflicts between bioenergy production and biodiversity conservation. The project explores pathways to determine the conditions under which biomass can be a suitable energy solution for the Alps.


  • 2021 – 2027
  • Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region
  • SO 2.1 - Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
    • AG2 Economic development
    • AG6 Natural resources
    • AG9 Energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • 09/2024
  • 02/2027
  • 2.809.782 EUR
  • 2.107.336 EUR



DIVERSE will address the conflicts between bioenergy production & biodiversity conservation by investigating under which conditions biomass can be a suitable energy opportunity for the Alps. This challenge particularly concerns regional/local authorities & energy actors from the Alpine Space (AS) who have to meet the binding targets of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII) and protect a fragile & unique ecosystem. To date, little effort has been made by individual regions to fully integrate EU biodiversity criteria into policies and practices supporting the bioeconomy. To change this, cooperation is essential to create an Alpine framework with local nuances, capable of delivering a unified approach to bioenergy sustainability. Therefore, DIVERSE will work with organisations with complementary expertise, setting the scene for the implementation of sustainable & biodiversity compatible bioenergy pathways in the AS. The project aims to strengthen the energy diversification approach by integrating biomass with sustainability and biodiversity criteria. To achieve this, the project partners (PPs) will rely on an open dialogue approach to support a holistic perspective, starting from local energy sources availability and final uses, to sustainable value creation. An Open Dialogue Toolkit will guide the establishment of a transnational pilot focusing on two key Alpine bioenergy & residue-based value chains, by activating Focus Labs in PPs' regions. The joint work will provide Alpine Trajectories for sustainable & biodiversity-positive bioenergy routes. As a result, PPs will join efforts to update energy plans or strategies, management practices and bioenergy business models through the bottom-up integration of nature conservation concepts. During the 3-year cooperation, DIVERSE will contribute to accelerating the transition to a low-carbon energy mix in the AS, strengthening the role that sustainable bioenergy can play for energy sufficiency and net-zero emissions.


Research on the Energy System (Lead partner)
  • Lead partner
  • Italy
  • Lombardia (ITC4)
  • Milano
Piemonte Region
  • Italy
  • Piemonte (ITC1)
  • Torino
Venetian agency for innovation in the primary sector - Veneto Agricoltura
  • Italy
  • Veneto (ITH3)
  • Legnaro
Lombardy Green Chemistry Association
  • Italy
  • Lombardia (ITC4)
  • Milano
Public Institution Ljubljansko barje Nature park
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Notranje Gorice
Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Ljubljana
Regional Union of the Communes forestières Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • France
  • Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
  • Chambéry
4ward Energy Research Ltd.
  • Austria
  • Steiermark (AT22)
  • Graz
Landshut University of Applied Sciences
  • Germany
  • Niederbayern (DE22)
  • Landshut
Italian-German Chamber of Commerce
  • Germany
  • Oberbayern (DE21)
  • Munich
Local Energy Agency – LEA GmbH
  • Austria
  • Steiermark (AT22)
  • Feldbach
University of Graz
  • Austria
  • Steiermark (AT22)
  • Graz
  • 45.47622519.2546382
  • 45.07020017.5902228
  • 45.345104611.9582234
  • 45.51484419.2122769
  • 45.989542114.4025513
  • 46.049382114.4607368
  • 45.5638749999999965.925742711213934
  • 47.0645675515.407784326121966
  • 48.5562781512.197818522803118
  • 48.1299611.5309879
  • 47.000372215.8656967
  • 47.077981315.4494656


  • DIVERSE Open Dialogue Toolkit

    Set of tools to support open discussion in the Focus Labs: (1) a protocol to promote capacity building between bioenergy & biodiversity stakeholders, (2) summaries presenting the sustainability trade-offs related to using residue-based biomass, (3) sustainability and biodiversity indicators. All of these will be combined into a roadmap to guide bioenergy & biodiversity actors towards the joint identification of solutions to improve sustainability of regional bioenergy value-chains.PP9

  • DIVERSE pilot: a path towards sustainable & biodiversity-positive bioenergy routes in the Alpine Space

    Transnational pilot testing the Open Dialogue Toolkit (WP1) in 7 AS territories through the Focus Labs, each gathering local & regional stakeholders from the bioenergy and nature protection scene, and tailored to 2 value chains, i.e. biomass from agricultural & agrifood residues (PP3,4,5-6,9-10), and from forestry (LP,PP2,7,8-11-12). Setup of policy measures, management practices & energy communities/value-chain models to integrate biodiversity protection needs into regional bioenergy routes.PP6

  • Alpine Trajectories for sustainable & biodiversity-positive energy routes

    Guidelines consisting of 3 modules to help (1) integrate nature/biodiversity protection concepts and measures into regional & national energy policies, (2) improve sustainability of regional biomass value chains through agro-ecological, forest, and agri-food residue management practices, and (3) implement circular business models for energy communities & value-chains that incorporate insights on biodiversity protection. PP8


  • Focus Lab: Lombardy's energy and Climate plans changement

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolkit, about the integration of biodiversity and environmental concepts into regional energy and climate plans regarding forestry residue through the identification of win-win scenarios for sustainable bioenergy production using urban forest & tree residues in Lombardy Region. It will bring to:
    • regional pathways for the multi- level valorisation of residues from the agri-food value-chain
    • the identification of sustainable & biodiversity-compatible business models for energy communities.

  • Focus Lab: integration of tools in the Piedmont's energy plan

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolkit, amed to create integrated supply-demand scenarios to address the environmental & biodiversity effects of forest biomass use, identifying economic, communication & legislative tools to be developed at regional level. It will help designing circular business models for ECs and value chains.

  • Focus Lab: agro-ecological pratices' investigation in Veneto Region

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolkit, aimed to investigate on pathways for the valorisation of biogas byproducts to enhance soil biodiversity & circularity of the agricultural as well as biogas value-chain.

  • Focus Lab: bioenergy production from residues of Ljubljansko barje Nature Park & Natura 2000 site (Central Slovenia)

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolikit, about the design of a business model for the sustainable production of bioenergy, using agricultural/nature conservation residues from Park management practices by activating its network of bioenergy actors.  

  • Focus Lab: design of a sustainable & biodiversity-compatible Auvergne-Rhone Alps' wood chip supply chain

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolkit, aiming to design a sustainable & biodiversity- compatible use of forest residues in wood chip supply chain in Auvergne-Rhone Alps.

  • Focus Lab: integration of biodiversity protection concepts into local bioenergy & agricultural plans & energy communities business models

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolkit with 11 Bavarian municipalities and farmers, involving business actors from energy local sector, in order to define strategies for the integration of biodiversity protection concepts into local bioenergy & agricultural plans & energy communities business models.

  • Focus Lab: improvement of bioenergy production in Styria from regional forest residues

    Focus Lab, based on the Open Dialogue Toolkit with Austrian policy makers and bioenergy stakeholders, in order to improve bioenergy production in Styria, identifying effective management approaches for maintaining forest biodiversity in Graz metro area while achieving reasonable bioenergy yields.

Project calendar

29 - 30 Oct 2024
Kick Off Meeting Munich
Project: DIVERSE
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