The lack of space in the Alps is causing challenges at the local level with significant socioeconomic impacts, specifically in the tourism, construction and environmental sectors. Since current approaches tackling this issue are scattered, BrokeringSpaces aims to explore the potential of integrating traditional local knowledge with regional spatial planning laws to create more specific and inclusive settlement areas. The project seeks to develop comprehensive transformation scenarios by assessing and combining legal and informal instruments.
- 2021 – 2027
- Cooperatively managed and developed Alpine region
- SO 4.1 - Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies
- 692.795 EUR
- 481.796 EUR
- Lead partner
- Austria
- Salzburg (AT32)
- Salzburg
- Manuela Brückler
- manuela.brueckler@salzburg.gv.at
- Austria
- Wien (AT13)
- Wien
- Cornelia Hammerschlag
- cornelia.hammerschlag@arching.at
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen (ITH1)
- Bozen
- André Mallossek
- info@plattformland.org
- Germany
- Oberbayern (DE21)
- Übersee
- Katharina Gasteiger
- info@alpenallianz.org
- Slovenia
- Vzhodna Slovenija (SI03)
- Maribor
- Tamara Korošec
- tamara.korosec@kmetijski-zavod.si
- Switzerland
- Ostschweiz (CH05)
- Zernez
- Angelika Abderhalden
- info@proterrae.ch
- Austria
- Tirol (AT33)
- Innsbruck
- Andreas Flora
- andreas.flora@uibk.ac.at
Compendium including decision-making tree for regions in need
Compendium incl. decision-making tree showcasing exemplary success in practicable use of spatial instruments & constructive cooperation of legal framework & local instruments. As the main target group is the local level, it will be designed close-to-practice. Nevertheless, it will be a relevant document for further thinking & implementation for all other target groups as well (to be respected in the introductive chapters)(Draft in RP1 (D141), updated with feedback from mid-term conference) -
Workable, practice oriented transformation scenario-scheme for local governance test regions that benefit from contributions from all governance levels and integrate land-taking sectors
This seperated output will translate the compendium (O11) into applicable workable solutions, thereby focusing on - Stakeholder-driven, co-designed elaboration of a “Transformation scenario-scheme” for the governance landscape, including new stakeholders with impact on the governance level. - Preparation of concrete, place based implementation scenarios that would be ready for implementation. Main target groups of regional to transnational level. The D221 guidelines will be included. -
Collective decision making processes to contribute to the multilevel governance of macroregional strategies
All participating partners will operationalise their membership or liasion with EUSALP AG6, AG7, PlanAlp (Alpine Convention) to promote the elaborated concepts into the working groups: - for AG6 with focus on soil - for AG7 with focus on GI - for PlanAlp with focus on the general approach as a pathway towards more sustainable, climate-adaptive resilience.