In the Alps, people often move by private car while ignoring more sustainable means of transport. SaMBa explores new ways of leveraging rewards and pricing to trigger change in mobility behaviour. Project partners developed and tested nine innovative campaigns to increase the use of low-carbon options like car-sharing, car-pooling, biking, hitchhiking and public transport. The lessons learned through these experiences are made available to all Alpine policymakers committed to developing effective behaviour change policies.
- 2014 – 2020
- Low carbon
- Increase capacities for the delivery of services of general interest in a changing society
- Group 4: To promote intermodality and interoperability in passenger and freight transport
- 04/2018
- 10/2021
- 2.021.193 EUR
- 1.718.013 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- riccardo ledda
- riccardo.ledda@regione.piemonte.it
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Italy
- Veneto
- Padova
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Grenoble
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Lans-en-Vercors
- Austria
- Salzburg
- Salzburg
- Austria
- Salzburg
- Salzburg
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Munich
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Kranj
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Koper
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Germany
- Darmstadt
- Frankfurt am Main
- 45.06252077.6703767
- 45.06501117.6591275
- 45.405841111.8781419
- 45.013118057.821099245627654
- 45.18703825.7329846238913085
- 45.12838485.5887315
- 47.798134613.0464806
- 47.798134613.0464806
- 48.13403711.5837457
- 46.246576514.3644724
- 45.547986413.7304781
- 46.044798214.4900137
- 50.117673858.636413400398371
Policy recommendations
StrategyThis report describes a set of recommendations ready to be used and exploited by alpine space public authorities in their mobility and behaviour change policies.All recommendations aim at implementing harmonized behaviour change policies and are based on best practices gathered during the SaMBA project. -
Handbook for Implementing Behaviour Change Policies
StrategyThe handbook for implementing behaviour change policies supports public authorities in carrying out concrete activities and facing main issues relatedto the development of such policies, thus maximizing their effect on the modal shift towards sustainable mobility. -
Reports on (trans)national workshops
StrategyThe SaMBA project and methodology was strongly characterized by interactive seminars and workshops where stakeholders came together on the national and transnational level to work on common solutions for the challenge of implementing sustainable behaviour change.All methods, results and learnings are summarized in two reports, one for the national workshops and one for the transnational work meetings take took place. -
Process Evaluation of SaMBA Pilots
StrategyThis report provides an evaluation of the nine pilots and the SaMBA project within the CIVITAS methodology for process evaluation.The reader is invited to browse through the guidelines and tips for replication and scalability of mobility behaviour change measures implemented in the local pilots. For all nine pilots a 'lessons learned' description was included to increase the value and impact of the project results beyond the pilots. -
Guidelines on communication and increased acceptance of reward/pricing policies
StrategyThis report provides guidelines and recommendations to policy promoters, such as the Public Administrations, who intend to start a process of stakeholder engagement for the designing of a reward/pricing policy.It is built upon the merging of the traditional approaches to stakeholder and users’ engagement and communication and the field experiences and lessons learned of the nine SaMBA pilot cases from across the Alpine Space area who have adopted behaviour change policy measures. -
SaMBA Tool to measure policies' impacts on mobility behaviour change
ToolThe “SaMBA tool for finding policies & estimating impacts in terms of mobility behavior change” is a major outcome of the project, building on results and learnings obtained in the pilot sites and beyond.It provides urban planners and mobility decision makers with information about appropriate measures and incentives to address and change the mobility behaviour of residents. The tool contains two components implemented with Microsoft Excel and ArcGIS. Microft Excel provides a comprehensive but easy to use database with measures and best practices open to a large user group, but it is limited to diagrams and tables regarding its outputs. Based on a user-defined goal and parameters characterizing a target area in terms of mobility (e.g. quality of public transport, presence of high commuter flows or presesence of a park & ride system), the Excel component provides a table including suitable measures for different target groups (e.g. commuters, pupils, tourists or the general public) and their impacts (e.g. on modal split or CO2 emissions) based on best practice examples. The tool contains measures for mobility goals related to public transport, active modes, multimodality, access and sharing systems. The optional ArcGIS component requires additional expert knowledge, but offers more analysis and visualization options for users with experience in this field. It can be used to derive parameter inputs for the target area to get more exact values, consider areas beyond predefined borders or focus on small areas that are not listed in official statistics. The GIS component also offers methods for the assessment and comparison of mobility demands or potential action areas for behaviour change policies. The idea is to identify and visualize action areas with an adequate infrastructure quality and a high potential for mobility behaviour change measures based on framing conditions regarding settlement structure and infrastructure quality for walking, cycling, public transport and intermodal trips. The SaMBA tool is freely available for everyone. The Excel tool itself can be downloaded via this website. It includes a user manual and description. In addition, a concept is provided, which gives more information on the development of the tool components. The developer version of the tool can be accessed here. The guideline on how to implement the GIS component is also available for download. -
The nudge approach: Behavioural changes in public transport
StrategyThe concept of 'nudging' has become famous among environmental behaviourlists as a means to describe and promote changes in behaviour. SaMBA partner Regione Piemonte has looked into the concept and what is means for the public transport sector.This Report summarizes why interventions based on the nudge approach can encourage an increased use of local public transport.