Alpsatellites project envisages the engagement and the consultation of local communities in its activities.
In Italy, four groups of stakeholders are involved in online and face-to-face workshops. At the beginning of February, local entrepreneurs and mayors, business support organizations from Valle d’Aosta and Piemonte, participated in 2 project workshops organized by the Unité des Communes valdôtaines Evançon: an opportunity to discuss how to attract new inhabitants, especially young people, to mountain areas by offering them remote working solutions. A third workshop will be organized in March to involve students in the project. Many ideas emerged from these workshops: increasing the “workation” offers (work and vacation) and providing scattered co-working spots, across public and private spaces, to target new residents and tourists at the same time. French and Austrian partners planned their activities.
In France, on 1st, 6th and 8th of March the ACSSQ, Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and its provider Adrets are holding three meetings. The goals of these events are: launching AlpSatellites with the local stakeholders, creating a community which will follow the project and collecting their perspectives on the development of remote working in the Guillestrois-Queyras, Grand Briançonnais, Pays des Ecrins areas. The meetings will be divided into 4 phases: a presentation of the project, testimonies of remote workers in the area, workshops (World-Café), convivial time.
Austrian partners have planned two different types of workshops in order to reach out to potential stakeholders for the project. The first workshop addresses to students and it will lead to the creation of a group. This brand new organization will be made up by students that will work closely together with the Austrian partners. The second workshop addresses to all majors and relevant staff from municipalities. In an open discussion and with the aid of a survey and mind maps participants will gather different opinions and ideas. This will be the basis for further research and project works and it will also help to attract more stakeholders.
Alpsatellites’ workshops with local stakeholders