Forest EcoValue plenary meeting in Annecy

Dec 12, 2023

The Forest EcoValue Plenary Meeting unfolded from May 9th to 11th 2023, hosted by the French partners INRAE, CNPF, and ONF in Annecy. The event served as a pivotal juncture for the project consortium to converge and discuss essential aspects of their collaborative efforts.

The first and third days of the meeting were dedicated to the presentation of Working Groups, with insightful updates from Work Package leaders, highlighting key milestones achieved. During the second day, project partners had the opportunity to visit the French Living Lab with a field trip to Thonon, Sevrier, and Semnoz. This field trip delved into crucial themes such as risk mitigation, ongoing plantation projects, recreation, and biodiversity.

The picturesque locations in Annecy set the stage for stimulating face-to-face discussions within the project consortium. This meeting marks a significant stride in advancing Forest EcoValue’s objectives and strengthening the collaborative spirit among its partners.