Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in spatial planning systems of the Alpine Space
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Why is it important to integrate biodiversity, climate adaptation and ecological connectivity issues into the spatial planning systems and territorial policies of the Alpine countries? Effects of human activities, infrastructures and climate change increasingly endanger habitats and ecosystem functions. Protected areas are essential for preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. To be effective, they need to be connected by “ecological corridors” to form a coherent network of green and blue infrastructures. The network consists of e. g., rivers, wetlands, meadows, and forests, allowing gene flow, migration and adaptation of species. The PlanToConnect project partners will cooperate with stakeholders in pilot areas to develop and test an Alpine spatial planning strategy for ecological connectivity, and a capacity-building package for its implementation. The aim is to identify the key cross-border areas for planning of ecological connectivity and to facilitate the upgrade of spatial planning systems and territorial policies to preserve or re-establish them.


  • 2021 – 2027
  • Climate resilient and green Alpine region
  • SO 1.2 - Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
    • AG7 Ecological connectivity
  • 11/2022
  • 10/2025
  • 2.461.927 EUR
  • 1.846.446 EUR


Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Lead partner)
  • Lead partner
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Ljubljana
Veneto Region
  • Italy
  • Veneto (ITH3)
  • Venezia
ALPARC – the Network of Alpine Protected Areas
  • France
  • Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
  • Chambéry
Asters, organisation for the conservation of natural areas in Upper Savoy
  • France
  • Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
  • Annecy
Eurac Research
  • Italy
  • Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen (ITH1)
  • Bolzano
ifuplan – Institute for Environmental Planning and Spatial Development
  • Germany
  • Oberbayern (DE21)
  • München
University of Würzburg
  • Germany
  • Unterfranken (DE26)
  • Würzburg
Salzburg Institute for Regional Planning and Housing
  • Austria
  • Salzburg (AT32)
  • Salzburg
E.C.O. Institute of Ecology Ltd.
  • Austria
  • Kärnten (AT21)
  • Klagenfurt
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • Italy
  • Lombardia (ITC4)
  • Milano
  • 46.043012814.50522085
  • 45.437190812.3345898
  • 45.5638749999999965.925742711213934
  • 45.89923486.1288847
  • 46.494530211.3472734
  • 48.15105211.5788014
  • 49.78235639.9667972
  • 47.82263313.0391533
  • 46.62394314.3075976
  • 45.47780839.2272468


  • Alpine planning strategy for ecological connectivity, harmonized and integrated planning of GBI networks in priority areas

    Comprises guidelines to harmonize GBI networks design within common priority areas, that spatial planning authorities at all levels across the AS can apply to develop a coherent alpine wide GBI network for EC. Proposes an integrated approach to GBI networks implementation, identifies typology of spatial planning instruments/procedures to be considered for its realization and provides guidance on uses that may support/threaten connectivity functions, including RES. Inputs from WP2 and A3.3.

  • Case studies of integrated planning of GBI connectivity networks in pilot sites across administrative boundaries and cross-border areas

    The pilot action consists of conducting several case studies demonstrating in PPs pilot sites of alpine strategic planning areas (A1.1) the applicability of O1.1. Case studies are examples of integrated GBI network planning approaches for ecological connectivity for the creation of GBI network for connectivity at regional/local levels across administrative boundaries and cross-border areas contributing to the implementation of the Alpine planning strategy for ecological connectivity.

  • Training and capacity building system on integrated spatial planning of GBI networks for ecological connectivity

    A comprehensive capacity building and training package is created to guide planning authorities at regional/local level in the design of BGI networks for connectivity. Includes e-modules, technical toolkit and tailored training sessions. Close contact to universities and professional associations to meet the needs of the state-of-the-art spatial planning education. Strong cooperation with AlpPlan network ensures long-term dissemination to stakeholders in the entire Alpine Space.


  • The Upper Soča Valley (northern part of the Goriška statistical region)

    The purpose of this case study is to propose the creation of a Green Infrastructure (GBI) connectivity network within the inter-municipal area of Tolmin, Kobarid, and Bovec, aiming to connect the Natura 2000 area Trnovski forest – Nanos (which includes the Upper Idrijca Landscape Park) and the Natura 2000 area The Julian Alps (which includes the Triglav National Park and The Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve). The geographical scope of the study is focused on the inter-municipal area of Tolmin, Kobarid, and Bovec. Current barriers and expected threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas are yet to be identified. However, preliminary considerations suggest that economic infrastructure, settlements, road infrastructure, and agricultural activities (especially cattle, sheep, and goat breeding) may pose significant challenges. Additionally, an increase in attacks by wild animals (such as bears, wolves, and jackals) on herds of livestock, both in protected and unprotected areas, has been observed, resulting in considerable damage to animal breeders. The connectivity objectives are to establish a connection between the Natura 2000 area Trnovski forest – Nanos and the Natura 2000 area The Julian Alps. The current status of connectivity in the pilot territory for the target species and ecological processes is characterized by a lack of recognition of the concept of ecological connectivity in spatial planning at the local, regional, and national levels. The absence of this concept in valid municipal spatial plans, not only in the Goriška region but also in municipalities of other statistical regions, underscores the need for increased awareness and information sharing about the importance of integrating ecological connectivity considerations into spatial planning processes during the implementation of pilot activities.

  • Caorle Wetland system

    The purpose of this case study is to identify strategic Green Infrastructure (GBI) elements prioritizing connectivity areas within the inter-municipal territory of Caorle, San Michele al Tagliamento, and Concordia Sagittaria. These areas are currently managed under the governance setting of a voluntary agreement known as the "Wetland Contract," aimed at regulating the use of natural capital. The study aims to assess the effectiveness and coherence of current provincial and municipal ecological network plans, as well as other related sector plans and policies. Additionally, it seeks to propose revisions or upgrades to these plans. Moreover, the study intends to enhance the Wetland Contract and its action plan concerning the conservation and restoration of connectivity, including defragmentation, habitat improvement, new habitat creation, invasive species management, and regulation of land uses. The geographical scope of the study encompasses the inter-municipal area of the Caorle Lagoon system and its surroundings. Current barriers and expected threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments that fragment the territory, direct pressures on habitat caused by human-induced actions or events, and indirect pressures resulting from economic, cultural, societal, or institutional factors. Additionally, climate change pressures on habitats are anticipated to contribute to these challenges. The connectivity objectives in Veneto entail identifying key conservation and restoration areas for target species and ecological functions within the pilot area. This analysis will consider the pilot area as part of the regional connectivity network and prioritize planning areas accordingly.

  • Different zones of the Alps (Area of the Alpine Convetion)

    The purpose of this case study is to address observed difficulties in coordination across different territorial levels and challenges related to data harmonization in identifying Green Infrastructure (GBI) components, as each alpine country utilizes different methodologies and tools. ALPARC aims to align with Alpine Convention protocols and Alpine level spatial planning instruments. The geographical scope of the study involves different zones of the Alps, as ALPARC is currently working on a pilot case within this region. Current barriers and expected threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments that fragment the territory, such as urban sprawl, landscape fragmentation, and artificialization. Direct pressures on habitat arise from disturbances to wildlife caused by overtourism and land use conflicts. Indirect pressures or contributing factors include a lack of knowledge and the impacts of climate change, such as landscape modification, floods, permafrost melting, and severe drought. The connectivity objectives of the ALPARC case study are to analyze ecological connectivity in relation to current land use in the selected zones and to identify major barriers and threats to connectivity within these zones. The current status of connectivity in the pilot territory includes areas that are considered protected, although not all are under strong protection status. An analysis of activities currently being conducted in these areas is underway as part of the study.

  • Thonon Agglomeration

    The purpose of this case study is to address the lack of monitoring of the implementation of the French regional connectivity network (SRADDET) due to the absence of indicators, leading to inconsistencies in the consideration of ecological connectivity among different municipalities. ASTERS aims to collaborate with competent authorities responsible for monitoring planning documents to develop an evaluation grid. This tool will assist municipalities in integrating ecological connectivity issues and facilitate the monitoring of this integration. The geographical scope of the study focuses on the Franco-Swiss cross-border forest massif of Jussy Douvaine within the territory covered by the “Communauté de commune Thonon agglomeration.” Additionally, there is potential for the study to be expanded to other sites in Haute-Savoie, although specific locations are yet to be determined. Current barriers and expected threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments that fragment the territory. ASTERS plans to analyze potential impacts related to highway development projects on the territory of Thonon agglomeration. Other direct pressures on habitat stem from human-induced actions or events such as unsustainable logging, intensive agricultural practices, and tourism pressure. Indirect pressures or contributing factors may include economic, cultural, societal, or institutional factors that enable or encourage these direct pressures. The connectivity objectives in South Tyrol aim to support regional planning authorities and municipalities in analyzing ecological connectivity. This region lacks a formal or informal Ecological Connectivity (EC) concept at the regional scale. Results from the A1.1 analysis will inform the Provincial Strategic Plan, with further analysis, possibly regarding Red Deer, contributing to provincial landscape guidelines. A deeper connectivity analysis, yet to be defined, will inform intermunicipal development programs.

  • South Tyrol

    The purpose of this case study is to develop a Green Infrastructure (GBI) connectivity network in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol, addressing the absence of a formal or informal Ecological Connectivity (EC) concept in the region. The study aims to propose an EC concept for the new provincial territorial strategic plan, utilizing the macro-regional structural model of the PlanToConnect project. Specifically, it analyzes the ecological connectivity for an umbrella species at the provincial level to formulate a detailed proposal for the new provincial landscape guidelines. Furthermore, the study focuses on implementing specific measures in selected groups of municipalities to integrate EC into the in-depth landscape analysis of the municipal development program. The geographical scope of the study encompasses the Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, with consideration given to connections to surrounding regions. Current barriers and expected threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments that fragment the territory, particularly in the valley bottoms. These developments include transportation infrastructure such as roads and railways, with four motorway barriers identified for macro-corridors. Urbanization processes pose threats to four macro-regional linkages. Additionally, direct pressures on habitat arise from intensive agriculture practices in valley bottoms, especially in the Adige Valley and Val Venosta, where agricultural intensification has extended approximately 15km in the last 70 years, creating a growing barrier. Ski resorts and tourism activities in higher altitudes also contribute to habitat degradation. Indirect pressures or contributing factors include cultural and economic factors, such as the significant political power held by agriculture and tourist associations in South Tyrol, which could potentially impede the implementation of EC measures. Furthermore, a lack of resources in specific planning offices to dedicate time to the topic of EC is identified as a challenge.

  • Naturpark Nagelfluhkette and its northern foothills

    The case study focuses on improving ecological connectivity between Naturpark Nagelfluhkette and its northern foothills through the establishment of a Green Infrastructure (GBI) connectivity network. It aims to develop a proposal for future local management of connectivity networks based on a thorough analysis of local threats and network design. The geographical scope of the study encompasses the inter-municipal area comprising Durach, Sulzberg, Waltenhofen, Buchenberg, administrative association Weitnau, administrative association Argental, Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Stiefenhofen, Immenstadt i.Allgäu, and Oberstaufen. Current barriers and expected threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments that fragment the territory, such as higher-ranking road infrastructure (B308, B19), larger settlements like Immenstadt, and the two-rail railway line Kempten-Lindau. Additionally, direct pressures on habitats stem from intensive agriculture (grassland), tourism and recreation, and traffic. Indirect pressures, such as slope instability south of Immenstadt, and the impacts of climate change on habitats, also pose significant challenges. The connectivity objectives revolve around safeguarding and enhancing connectivity between Naturpark Nagelfluhkette, its foothills, and extending beyond to the peri-Alpine area. The current status of connectivity in the pilot territory for the target species and ecological processes has not been fully assessed. However, preliminary observations suggest compromised connectivity beyond the Nature Park due to transport infrastructure and intensive pastures, while forested areas serve as crucial corridors for existing connectivity networks.

  • Upper Bavaria “Planungsregion Oberland”

    The purpose of this case study is to establish analytical fundamentals for spatial planning in Upper Bavaria, particularly within the planning region number 17 “Oberland,” with the aim of creating a functional connectivity network and green belts. This study considers all connected topics and intends to assess the coherence of current provincial and municipal ecological network plans. The outcomes will inform proposals for their revision or upgrade in pilot areas. The geographical scope of the study is focused on South Bavaria within the region of Upper Bavaria, specifically within the planning region number 17 “Oberland.” Current barriers and expected typologies of threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas are not exhaustively addressed at this point and require discussion in the RCWGs workshops. The connectivity objectives in Oberland aim to identify key planning gaps and evaluate instruments such as “landschaftliche Vorbehaltsgebiete” and regional green belts. The analysis will assess how fragmented instruments can cover multiple land use functions. The current status of connectivity in the pilot territory for the target species and ecological processes indicates that the basics for instruments for spatial planning exist, such as landscape framework planning. However, these instruments are not updated in the regions, and biotope-connectivity planning is also not implemented.

  • Transboundary “Border Triangle (AT-IT-SI)” (Triglav National Park, Dobratsch Nature Park and Prealpi Giulie Nature Park)

    The purpose of this case study is to create a harmonized transboundary Green Infrastructure (GBI) network connecting loose ends and different corridor approaches, serving as a basis for transboundary cooperation and enhancing transboundary conservation coordination. Simultaneously, the study aims to establish administrative and technical contacts for exchange and coordinated spatial development in the area. The technical proposal seeks to address key bottlenecks and gaps based on ongoing and future developments, including better integration of the GBI network into local planning, highlighting existing spatial planning instruments suitable for integration, and establishing mechanisms for transboundary coordination. The geographical scope of the study covers the cross-border area encompassing Prealpi Guilie Nature Park (and Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve), Triglav National Park (and Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve), Dobratsch Nature Park, and all municipalities between these areas. Current barriers and expected typologies of threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments that fragment the territory, such as linear traffic infrastructure (highways, railways) and settlements (expansion, industrial area development). Potential threats include wind park developments and agri-photovoltaic projects. Other direct pressures on habitat arise from intensive development, including soil sealing in the vicinity of municipalities, industrial development, and potentially intensified agriculture in valley areas and intensive forestry, particularly in Austria. Indirect pressures or contributing factors include the development of the Alpe-Adria economic space through railway and economic cooperation. Climate change pressures on habitats include increased natural disasters such as wind breaks, bark beetle infestations, wildfires, and floodings due to heavy rainfalls, particularly in mountainous areas with steep slopes. The connectivity objectives are to develop a harmonized transboundary GBI network map as a common working basis and tool to support transboundary coordination of ecological connectivity and conservation. This involves identifying gaps and barriers based on emblematic common species and functional connectivity using the SACA approach, with a particular focus on connecting different national corridor systems. The network proposal should also include development hotspots threatening connectivity and propose corresponding solutions, such as subprojects and spatial planning instruments, as well as mechanisms for transboundary coordination. The current status of connectivity in the pilot territory indicates comparatively good connectivity throughout the area due to low population density, remote areas, and many protected areas. Gaps and barriers are mostly limited to spaces in the valleys near settlements.

  • Province of Sondrio

    The purpose of this case study is to create a multi-functional Green Infrastructure (GBI) connectivity network in the province of Sondrio, focusing on the relationships between the Adda river valley, lateral valleys, mountain slopes, and strategic nodes and paths of the proposed spatial framework. Based on the outcomes, the study aims to assess the coherence of the current provincial coordination plan and other planning tools in force in the study area and propose revisions or upgrades in pilot areas. The geographical scope of the study covers the province of Sondrio in Lombardy, encompassing the catchment of the first course of the Adda river and corresponding to the geo-historical region of Valtellina. Current barriers and expected typologies of threats to connectivity conservation and restoration areas include infrastructural developments such as road and rail infrastructures on the Adda valley floor, as well as road infrastructures on the lateral valley floor. Other direct pressures on habitat arise from tourism, particularly related to winter tourism, with a high density of ski resorts and accommodation facilities, and the presence of linear conurbation trends, industrial and commercial settlements, especially on the valley floors. Indirect pressures or contributing factors include the abandonment of traditional mountain activities such as agriculture and forestry. Climate change pressures on habitats include rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, which are reducing the extent of existing glaciers, affecting permafrost, and modifying the snow cycle, with multiple impacts on habitats. The connectivity objectives in the province of Sondrio are to identify key multi-functional connectivity areas and paths based on natural, rural, and historical/cultural values, while taking into account existing tools provided by multi-level plans. The current status of connectivity in the pilot territory for the target species and ecological processes indicates a plurality of ecological networks at the regional, provincial, and sub-provincial levels, addressing the need to connect slopes with high habitat quality through a heavily urbanized valley floor.


  • Strategic document outlining the scope, objectives and activities of the Transnational expert working group. It was adopted at the meeting/workshop of the Expert Platform in Ljubljana on 27 November 2023.
  • The report contains firstly the procedure and results for mapping priority connectivity areas for spatial planning at Alpine-wide level. Secondly, it contains a barrier analysis in priority planning areas and insights to some regional specificities. Thirdly, a catalogue of typologies of GBI connectivity elements was produced. Finally, it provides some recommendations for providing a coherent ecological network in the Alpine Space through spatial -, landscape-, and transport planning.


Project calendar

No upcoming events
    27 - 28 Nov 2023
    Ecological connectivity and spatial planning: From concepts to implementation
    Project: PlanToConnect
    Join the first workshop of the AlpPlan/PlanToConnect Expert Platform on site in Ljubljana or online!

      Project news

      PlanToConnect contributions at Alpine Biodiversity Conference & Forum Alpinum 2024

      Project partners participated at "Joint action for the Alps - conserve, connect and restore” event.

      Workshop report: Ecological connectivity and spatial planning - From concepts to implementation

      AlpPlan network and PlanToConnect project jointly hosted the hybrid workshop.

      Launch of the AlpPlan/PlanToConnect Expert Platform

      On 2 October 2023, a joint expert platform on green infrastructure, ecological connectivity and spatial planning was launched by the ARL European working group AlpPlan and the Interreg Alpine Space project PlanToConnect.