FRACTAL - FosteRing green infrAstruCTure in the ALps
News & Events


The Alps are characterized by a variety of natural, agricultural, and small urban areas, where the connectivity between natural and semi-natural ecosystems is not always ensured. One of the most effective ways to support ecosystem services is implementing Green Infrastructure (GI) at local scale, but they are still scattered in rural and peri-urban areas. Building on the solutions developed by the LUIGI project, FRACTAL involves local stakeholders in the implementation of green infrastructure. The goal is to standardize the requirements to plan GI at municipality level, as well as to develop an education toolkit in order to raise awareness among citizens and pupils.


  • 2021 – 2027
  • Climate resilient and green Alpine region
  • SO 1.2 - Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
    • AG7 Ecological connectivity
  • 04/2023
  • 09/2024
  • 445.786 EUR
  • 334.340 EUR


Free University of Bolzano-Bozen (Lead partner)
  • Lead partner
  • Italy
  • Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen (ITH1)
  • Bolzano
National Institute of Biology
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Ljubljana
Triglav national park
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Bled
Burgenland Business Agency
  • Austria
  • Burgenland (AT11)
  • Eisenstadt
  • 46.4983248511.350104387045558
  • 46.051076614.46985
  • 46.368757314.1188705
  • 47.830380316.53244757088359


  • Toolkit for formal and non-formal education on the role of GI - Board game and booklet

    The innovative educational toolkit contains an infographic, a movie, a board game, and an illustrated booklet for pupils and students. The movie will be a mute short film. The board game will be a “serious game” to experiment the relevance of GI to face climate change in the alpine context. It will be freely downloadable & developed with 2 expansions so to be used at different school levels and in non-formal contexts. It will be disseminated in 4 languages (EN, ITA, DE, SLO).

  • Toolkit for formal and non-formal education on the role of GI - Movie

    The innovative educational toolkit contains an infographic, a movie, a board game, and an illustrated booklet for pupils and students. The movie will be a mute short film. The board game will be a “serious game” to experiment the relevance of GI to face climate change in the alpine context. It will be freely downloadable & developed with 2 expansions so to be used at different school levels and in non-formal contexts. It will be disseminated in 4 languages (EN, ITA, DE, SLO). Discover the movie >>

  • Toolkit for formal and non-formal education on the role of GI - Movie

    The innovative educational toolkit contains an infographic, a movie, a board game, and an illustrated booklet for pupils and students. The movie will be a mute short film. The board game will be a “serious game” to experiment the relevance of GI to face climate change in the alpine context. It will be freely downloadable & developed with 2 expansions so to be used at different school levels and in non-formal contexts. It will be disseminated in 4 languages (EN, ITA, DE, SLO). Discover the movie >>

  • Transalpine GI Pact

    The GI Pact is a jointly produced document with a participatory approach. It will contain a set of GI-based solutions for municipalities and for the agricultural sector. The Pact will be delivered to the administrations and each PA, by signing the Pact, will commit itself to implementing the proposed solutions in a defined timeframe. Download here the pACT in ENGLISH or choose the one in your language GI-pACT in GERMAN GI-pACT in ITALIAN--> Citizens, PA and Other stakeholders GI-pACT in SLOVENIAN


  • The first number of the newsletter is ready and downloadable in English, German, Slovenian and Italian. Have a look to find info about FRACTAL project objectives and activities, an introduction of project partners and highlights of activities done, ongoing and planned for the coming weeks.      
  • Here is the presentation used to introduce GIs definition and concepts at the beginning of the Italian Workshops.
  • This is the first deliverable of the Interreg Alpine Space project "FRACTAL - FosteRing green infrAstruCTure in the ALps”. It aims to provide updated information about Green Infrastructure in the Alpine region to whoever wishes to understand what is going on about GI at the European level and in the Alpine regions.  This deliverable is presented as a report, divided into three parts, focusing on 1)key notions underlying the GI concept, 2) the regulation of GI implementation in the European Union and on the Alpine region, and 3) projects and activities ongoing in Alpine region to foster GI network.
  • The first FRACTAL brochure is ready. If you want to introduce the concept of Green Infrastructure and how it can help ecosystem services, particularly in the Alpine areas now you can do it just by downloading the FRACTAL Brochure here below in English three languages of the Alps!  
  • The English version of the FRACTAL newsletter is out! Have a look here and see what we are doing!
  • Hello and welcome! Here you can find a folder with some nice and science-based didactic materials for you! Materials are available in German, Italian, Slovenian and English language! The Booklet --> You could read the adventures of Sky and Scrab to the pupils. The story will help you talk about alpine ecosystems, ecosystem services, and green infrastructures. The gamification toolkit --> Additionally, you can download the printable cards and engage pupils in a playful group competition—who among your students will play the best to save the alpine ecosystems? How to do it? What are the best Green infrastructure cards for ecosystem services restoration? Let's play together! And...don't worry in the folder, you will also find the instructions to help you in guiding your pupils in the gamification phase!   We hope you enjoy this booklet, and if you have any questions or would like a printed copy of the booklet, please write us at  

Project calendar

No upcoming events
    18 Sep 2024
    FRACTAL final meeting
    Project: FRACTAL
    Screenshot 2024-09-06 103839
    19 - 21 Jul 2024
    ReGreen Festival - natural born GIs.
    Project: FRACTAL
    Screenshot 2024-07-08 160205
    28 Jun 2024
    GI Day in Italy - 28.06
    Project: FRACTAL
    Screenshot 2024-06-11 075224
    26 - 27 Apr 2024
    Re-Green Festival_Austria edition
    Project: FRACTAL
    Screenshot 2024-04-24 132220
    13 Apr 2024
    3° GI-workshop in Italy
    Project: FRACTAL
    Screenshot 2024-04-05 113825
    21 Feb 2024
    FRACTAL Lecture + workshop in Slovenia --> Pollinators - How we can help them
    Project: FRACTAL
    FRACTAL_Collage1 (2)-Asus_Luana_
    18 Feb 2024
    GI-Day in Austria_Save the date! 📆📆📆📆
    Project: FRACTAL
    FRACTAL event in AUstria and 2nd Seed and Tuber Exchange!
    Einladung_Infoveranstaltung 2. Saatgut- und Knollenbörse
    21 - 27 Nov 2023
    1° FRACTAL GI-day_Austria Edition
    Project: FRACTAL
    The first Green Infrastructure Day is here!
    Screenshot 2023-10-20 163929
    28 Oct 2023
    1° FRACTAL workshop in Italy
    Project: FRACTAL

      Project news

      FRACTAL final event


      FRACTAL technical brochure


      News from Austrian partners


      ReGreen Festival - what a great experience!


      GI Day in Italy - what a day!


      ReGreen Festival in Slovenia


      Highlights from Austria the FRACTAL Re-Green Festival

      Re-Green Festival --> Cultivating Nature Awareness and Sustainable Practices

      2° FRACTAL - Newsletter

      The second FRACTAL newsletter is out!

      FRACTAL- Brochure

      A brochure to introduce GI!

      Green News from Austria!

      FRACTAL - GI day in Austria.

      Educating young citizens_FRACTAL Booklet or...Sky and Scrab: a journey in the Alpine ecosystems!!


      They are talking about FRACTAL...

      The FRACTAL project is now published by Open Access Government document – January 2024 edition!

      1st GI-Day in Burgenland (Austria)

      The GI-Day in Burgenland, planting trees and shrubs to increase ecosystem connectivity.

      FRACTAL education activities in Slovenia.

      First step for educational activities with schools --> done!

      1° FRACTAL Newsletter

      1° FRACTAL newsletter is now downloadable!

      First FRACTAL workshop in Italy

      A conspicuous number of active and energetic people from Valle delle Giudicarie and Val Rendena are helping us to collect concrete practices for the GI-pACTs development.

      Engaging people to turn urban areas in a more "pollinators friendly" way - News from Slovenia!

      FRACTAL - First steps in finding common solutions to support pollinators in urban areas.

      Some fresh pictures from #FRACTAL summer camp in Italy.


      1st FRACTAL's summer Camp in Italy.

      The first educational camp for future citizens is at the starting line!