How to adapt to changing weather eXtremes and associated compound RISKs in the context of Climate Change
News & Events


There is scientific evidence that climate change is likely to induce more frequent or intense weather extremes in the Alps with compound and cascading effects on the environment, humans and the economy. This may induce unexpected complex, long-lasting or even irreversible consequences. However, the knowledge and management of cascading impacts and risks under climate change are still insufficient. Therefore, X-RISK-CC aims to support risk managers and policy makers in addressing the compound risks of climate change extremes by developing new knowledge, local risk management actions and transnational guidelines. The project partners thus explicitly address the need for common knowledge, actions and solutions to manage extremes in the context of climate change.


  • 2021 – 2027
  • Climate resilient and green Alpine region
  • SO 1.1 - Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
    • AG8 Risk governance
  • 11/2022
  • 10/2025
  • 2.982.073 EUR
  • 2.017.377 EUR


In recent years, the Alps have been affected by unprecedented weather extremes such as heatwaves, heavy rains and storms with severe impacts on the environment, humans and the economy. The Alpine territories involved in the project report that such events overstrained their risk management capacities. The unexpected magnitude and intensity of these extremes can in fact cause ‘compound’ impacts and domino effects (more than one impact happening simultaneously or subsequently) that turn into complex, long-lasting or even irreversible consequences.

While there is recent scientific evidence of climate change (CC) attribution to the increasing intensity and frequency of such events, knowledge and management of their cascading impacts and risks are still insufficient. On the regional level, such events are not considered in current Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) mechanisms. Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) plans, if they exist, often underestimate domino effects and compound risks related to extreme events and miss concrete solutions.

X-RISK-CC helps risk managers and policy makers across the AS to address the compound/cascading risks of CC-related extremes by developing local actions and transnational guidelines. They are based on newly generated and harmonized Alpine-wide data and knowledge on past and future extremes. The actions for upgrading current risk management instruments are designed with risk managers in five pilot areas in the AS (incl. cross-border areas). The project outputs are co-developed by and disseminated through EUSALP AG8 and PLANALP of the Alpine Convention (AlpConv). X-RISK-CC partnership includes regional risk managers, national authorities, members of EUSALP and PLANALP/ACB of AlpConv and scientists. It explicitly responds to the need for common knowledge, actions and solutions for managing extremes under CC that will be expressed in the EUSALP AG8 2023-24 work programme.


European Academy of Bozen-Bolzano – EURAC Research (Lead partner)
  • Lead partner
  • Italy
  • Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen (ITH1)
  • Bolzano
Civil Protection Agency, Autonomous Province of Bolzano
  • Italy
  • Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen (ITH1)
  • Bolzano
Autonomous Province of Trento
  • Italy
  • Provincia Autonoma di Trento (ITH2)
  • Trento
Slovenian Environment Agency
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Ljubljana
Development agency Sora
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Škofja Loka
Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency
  • France
  • Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
  • Villeurbanne
GeoSphere Austria
  • Austria
  • Wien (AT13)
  • Wien
Forest-technical service for torrent and avalanche control, Section Tyrol
Technical University of Munich
  • Germany
  • Oberbayern (DE21)
  • München
Environment Agency Austria
  • Austria
  • Wien (AT13)
  • Wien
  • 46.494530211.3472734
  • 46.494571711.3185893
  • 46.072192311.1212361
  • 46.065384214.5129303
  • 46.1639070514.306674164430577
  • 45.77163274.8649712
  • 48.24862595000000516.356562264678487
  • 47.26565311.3974589
  • 48.1509072511.568554408489021
  • 48.2271985516.363632975256742


  • Digital library on past and future weather extremes across the AS including the webGIS platform and the tailored studies for the pilots - How to exploit the new knowledge and data for practice

    The digital library includes the webGIS platform, explanatory materials for its use (A 1.3), and a summary report on past and future trends in weather extremes across the AS (A 1.2), with additional details for the pilots (A 1.1). It is a unique easy-access point for the WP1-target-audience to uptake new Alpine-wide knowledge and contributes to the final O4.1. It includes data factsheets, guidelines for data interpretation and how-to tutorials to ease the uptake for impact/risk studies (WP2).

  • X-RISK-CC manual: A conceptual approach designed for risk managers/practitioners to support them in assessing and coping with the newly emerging risks of weather extremes in their area

    The manual bridges the gap between the newly created knowledge (WP1-2) and its straightforward exploitation by the WP3-target-audience to develop concrete risk management and adaptation options in a AS context (WP3). It guides them in understanding, assessing & coping with current and future compound impacts/risks in the pilot areas, using the information provided by the digital library (O1.1) and the risk pathways outlined in A 2.2. The manual is designed to be transferable across the AS.

  • Pilot area dossiers

    The dossiers will be completed for each pilot in English and local language to foster the dissemination and implementation of tailored pilot actions. The dossiers contain a description of the pilot situation and the outcomes of the pilot participatory processes. The dossiers are intended to disseminate the built pilot knowledge to the general public: from CC-related extremes to associated risks.

  • Pilot action plans of tailored risk management measures to be developed in the pilot areas to cope with increasing weather extremes and their compound impacts/risks

    The action plans concretize O2.1 in the 5 pilots & engage the pilot PPs & the WP3-target-audience to implement measures and developed actions. O3.2 also outlines further steps needed to manage risks of increasingly emerging weather extremes. The action plans contain background information, the current status of each pilot, reasoning and design criteria of developed measures as well as an overview of the next steps to ensure their long-term implementation.

  • Two-tier digital sourcebook

    The two-tier digital sourcebook synthetizes the WP4 outcomes & makes them available to policy makers and practitioners across the AS. It includes a synthesis section with transalpine risk-management gaps & corresponding priorities for coping with emerging extremes & compound risks (1st tier). The 2nd tier provides transferable guidelines for risk management practice & strategic policy options to integrate the new knowledge on weather extremes & compound risks into DRR/CCA across the AS.


Project calendar

No upcoming events
    04 - 05 Apr 2023
    Project meeting in Bolzano
    Project: X-RISK-CC
    First face-to-face project meeting in Bolzano.

      Project news

      Release of Third Project Newsletter

      The 3rd Newsletter of the X-RISK-CC project is out!

      Stakeholder meeting in Ugine: Exploration of Storm Management

      Exploration of storm management and heavy rainfall events in Ugine.

      Highlights from the X-RISK-CC project partner meeting in Lyon

      X-RISK-CC partners meet in Lyon to discuss all ongoing activities.

      Learning from Vaia: Insights from the first X-RISK-CC Workshop in Trento

      Reflecting on the invaluable experience gained from managing the Vaia storm-related emergency.

      Learning from extreme events: Analysis of storm events in South Tyrolean Pilot Areas

      Civil Protection Agency, Autonomous Province of Bolzano spearheaded workshops with stakeholders, delving into impact analysis and response strategies.

      Stakeholder Meeting in Slovenia: How can we collaborate better and manage risks in the case of floods and landslides?

      On Tuesday, November 14th, 2023, the Development Agency Sora, together with the Slovenian Environment Agency, organized a meeting in Škofja Loka on the topic of better collaboration and risk management in the case of floods and landslides.

      Stakeholder Meeting at Zugspitze: Stakeholder dialogue on extreme weather risk management in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

      Stakeholder meeting to gain a better understanding of the current risk management approaches.

      Release of Second Project Newsletter: Updates from X-RISK-CC Pilot Areas

      A comprehensive update on the progress and activities within the X-RISK-CC project.

      X-RISK-CC Project: The Latest Updates and Insights

      Curious about the latest developments within the X-RISK-CC project? Read more.

      X-RISK-CC project partners meet in Munich

      The second in-person meeting of the X-RISK-CC project partners

      1st X-RISK-CC Project Newsletter: Our Journey Begins!

      1st Newsletter of X-RISK-CC project

      X-RISK-CC project partners meet in Bolzano for a first successful face-to-face meeting

      From 4th to 5th of April 2023 the partners of the X-RISK-CC project, held the first face-to-face meeting in Bolzano, Italy.