How to implement the concept of circular economy in production processes?

Jan 10, 2023

Cradle-ALP is our second new classic project that tackles the concept of circular economy! The project works to improve the production processes in the chemical, plastics and forestry sectors.

Fossil raw materials and toxic substances are widely used in production processes in the chemical, plastics and forestry sectors. The Cradle-ALP project will focus on replacing chemical, fossil or unsustainable materials with more circular, sustainable and biodegradable ones. The project will raise awareness and capacity of the public, relevant industries as well as policy stakeholders and business support organisations on cradle to cradle (C2C) approaches, circular design and circular substitutions from the Alpine region. Transnational stakeholder groups will be formed, with the aim of transferring C2C roadmaps into industrial practice along exemplary value chains. Thus, Cradle-ALP will contribute to the industrial transformation and mainstreaming C2C approaches in the Alps.