Building remote-work communities in the Alpine Space: co-designed and sustainable solutions (deliverable 1.3.1)

Dec 21, 2023

The final rush of the AlpSatellites project work has begun and the results of the partners work results becomes more and more rich. One of the main elements that emerges from this research consists in highlighting the major actions that each country intends to undertake to make the development of smart workers communities feasible in remote alpine and rural areas.
🇮🇹 Italy’s action plan:
• Local requirements: align co-working spaces with local requirements, catering to tourist or social needs in diverse municipal contexts.
• Urban settlements: design co-working spaces in the Ayas Valley municipalities with a focus on welfare and social impact, encouraging youth engagement.
• Mountain settlements: in upper valley and tourist areas, establish co-working spaces within facilities dedicated to the tourism industry, making co-living spaces for tourism workers more feasible.
🇫🇷 France’s action plan:
• Development of mobility: enhancing regional and cross-regional mobility to attract new populations for remote work while ensuring accessibility to service hubs.
• Expanding jobs and spaces: raising awareness among companies, employees, and local authorities about remote working spaces and creating new connected spaces.
• Improving welcome policies: deploying pathways for newcomers and existing residents, testing settlement in the area, from housing access to cultural and leisure activities. French partners plan to work on these issues during the feasibility study, with key dates for collaboration and project presentation.
🇦🇹 Austria’s action plan:
• Build/ Strengthen community: develop the necessary ecosystem around “Klein Wien” in Doren to build social capital and make the municipality attractive for future residents.
• Preparing the community: implement the “Digital Fit” project to assist people with digital matters and focus on digitalization to prepare citizens for remote work.
• Hub development: transform “Klein Wien” into a regional hub offering various services, events, and activities. Assess feasibility using a risk matrix and develop a concept applicable to municipalities in the region To sum up, these areas share common challenges with remote work and they present opportunities for innovation and solutions too. By addressing connectivity, promoting each region and fostering digital skills, remote work can be a viable and fulfilling option in these picturesque areas.

For more insights, check out the deliverable ⬇️