I-SWAMP final webinar is now online!

Feb 18, 2024

On February 15th, the final webinar of the I-SWAMP project took place. The event brought together all three partners and provided an opportunity learn about the project’s themes, activities, and results achieved over the past year and a half.


Giulio Menegus from the TESAF Department at the University of Padua (Lead Partner) introduced the topic of Alpine wetlands, presented the project, and highlighted the results obtained in Italy.


Danijela Modrej from the EGTC Geopark Karavanke/Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark shed light on the Geopark and its role in the project. Meanwhile, Susanne Glatz-Jorde from E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie (external contractor) presented the outcomes in Austrian territory.


Lenka Stermecki and Jurij Tamše from the Zavod Republike Slovenije za Varstvo Narave (IRSNC) shared the project results in Slovenia.


The entire webinar, or individual segments, can be found on our website and YouTube channel.

Please, keep following I-SWAMP for the next few weeks, we still have many important things planned!