The building as an energy system

Aug 1, 2023

On 26 July 2023, around 50 participants came to the Energy Campus in Nuremberg to find out about the latest technological developments in energy retrofitting in the building sector.

There were presentations on the climate neutrality target in existing buildings, on various heat supply options, on modular heat pump and ventilation concepts, on the social compatibility of renovations, and an overview of current funding programmes. An important topic was thermal activation in existing buildings. Bayern Innovativ provided information on the Cool*Alps project and thermal activated buildings at a specialist stand.

In addition to concentrated expertise and best-practice exchange, there was plenty of time for networking and for visiting the laboratories and facilities on site. For example, participants were able to see how complicated brick shapes are produced using 3D printing, where organic photovoltaics can be used sensibly and cost-effectively, or which thermal and electrical storage solutions are available for different purposes.