Interreg makes a difference in sustainable transport

Jul 19, 2022

Interreg makes a difference in sustainable transport! In this publication by Interact, 10 Interreg programmes are showcasing 15 transport activities aiming at a better mobility in Europe.

Our project AlpInnoCT is part of this collection! Between 2016 and 2020, the project partnership worked on the improvement of processes and cooperation in CT networks, the integration of innovative approaches to foster shifts from road to rail and the enhancement of knowledge and reinforcement of participation possibilities for each stakeholder in freight transport. Thanks to AlpInnoCT, the Alpine Space has a “toolbox of action – handbook” providing solutions and approaches for Combined Transport in the Alpine Space. The main results are a more efficient Alpine freight transport with a focus on efficient Combined Transport, as well as the significantly raised use of low-carbon transport methods – considerable freight volumes will be shifted to rail.

Have a look at the publication: