ACP-MA-JS meeting
23 September 2021

A great meeting


Interreg is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and has three types of programmes:


Cross-border cooperation programme

Cross-border cooperation programmes focus on the cooperation in regions located on either side of a EU border.


Transnational cooperation programmes

Transnational cooperation programmes aim to promote better cooperation and regional development within the Union by a joint approach to tackle common issues. They support a wide range of project investment related to innovation, environment, accessibility, telecommunications, urban development etc. There are 15 Interreg transnational programmes, among which the Interreg Alpine Space.

Interregional programmes

Interregional programmes focus on the exchange of experience between local and regional actors across Europe with the aim of reducing disparities between regions.

Only for Programme Website

In 2021-2027, the Interreg Alpine Space programme co-finances projects contributing to four main objectives or priorities. Each priority can be declined in specific objectives, which define the direction in which we want to develop the Alpine region.