18 new classic projects approved!

Jun 6, 2024

On 05 and 06 June, the Alpine Space Programme Committee met in Bled, Slovenia and discussed intensively about the 32 applications that were invited to the second step of the second call for classic projects in the period 2021-2027.

We are happy to announce that the Programme Committee approved for ERDF co-funding the following 18 projects:

Priority 1: Climate resilient and green Alpine region

  • A-DROP | Alpine DROught Prediction
    Lead partner: Eurac Research, Italy
  • AlpsLife | Protect Alpine Life by monitoring and managing Alpine biodiversity for the future. “Observing globally, acting locally”
    Lead partner: Eurac Research, Italy
  • DiMark | Transnational Network for Linking Digital Earth Observation to Freshwater Markers for Better Understanding of Water-connected Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Prevention in Alpine Region
    Lead partner: National Institute of Biology, Slovenia
  • LiveAlpsNature | Biodiversity protection through new and One-health-orientated tourism approaches in Alpine Protected Areas (APA) based on eco responsible visitor management and innovative communication
    Lead partner: ALPARC – Alpine Network of Protected Areas, France
  • MARGIN | Managing Groundwater Sustainability in Urban Areas: Quantifying the vulnerability of groundwater quality & quantity to climate change and urbanisation, and developing adaptation measures for cities
    Lead partner: Technical University Munich, Germany
  • RESPOnD | Climate resilient alpine wine orchards
    Lead partner: Eurac Research, Italy
  • SOIL:OurInvisibleAlly | Facilitating implementation of EU soil legislation in Alpine municipalities, thus seizing transnational knowledge, mutual learning & concrete, cross-sectoral implementation on local level
    Lead partner: Slovenian Forestry Institute, Slovenia
  • WATERWISE | Co-designing sustainable management solutions for resilient Alpine headwaters
    Co-Lead partners: University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland and Fondazione Edmund Mach

Priority 2: Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region

  • ALPHA | Advancing 5th-Generation District Heating and Cooling Networks in Alpine Space
    Lead partner: Lombardy Foundation for the Environment, Italy
  • ASTER | Alpine Solutions for the Transition of the textile and plastic Equipment industry and the harmonization of interregional 5R strategies
    Lead partner: Auvergne-Rhone-Alps Region, France
  • BAUHALPS | Building circular in the alpine space
    Lead partner: Ca’ Foscari University Foundation Venice, Italy
  • DIVERSE | Integration of bioDIVERSity conservation within bioEnergy production for a low-carbon energy mix in the Alpine region
    Lead partner: Research on the Energy System, Italy

Priority 3: Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region

  • APOLLO | TerritoriAl corPOrate weLfare through digitaLization and cOoperation
    Lead partner: Municipality of Saluzzo, Italy
  • DEGREE4ALPS | DigitalisEd and GREEnmobility for ALPine Space communities
    Lead partner: University of Passau, Germany
  • HACK-IT-NET | Enabling an Alpine region Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork
    Lead partner: Local Health Authority Veneto Region, Italy
  • RECENTRE | Support the green transformation of the Alpine manufacturing sector and the uptake of advanced technologies for the well-being of workers
    Lead partner: t2i – technology transfer and innovation, Italy
  • TIGER | FosTering ehealth and social Innovations as Game-changers in sEnior and Remote care
    Lead partner: ICS Internationalisation Centre of Styria, Austria
  • Woolshed | A New Era for Alpine Wool
    Lead partner: Iuav – University of Venice, Italy

The Interreg Alpine Space programme thanks all applicants for the efforts in developing their project proposal! Lead applicants will soon receive an official communication and an assessment report. Successful applicants will furthermore be invited to the Get started! Seminar, taking place on 24-25 June 2024 in Salzburg, Austria.

We are excited about the new projects approved and are looking forward to accompany them in the upcoming years!