Crafting Scenarios for Sustainable Transitions

Apr 18, 2024

Author: Prof. Dr Jan Mosedale (University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons)

The future does not exist. It is a kind of story we tell ourselves to talk about things that have not yet happened. And strangely enough, we react much more strongly to stories than to facts or statistics. So, it makes sense to turn facts and statistics into stories. Scenarios are stories of the future and offer insights into potential trajectories. They can help us to identify pivotal change factors, understand their interplay, and assess potential consequences.

In the TranStat project, scenarios will be developed for each living lab in collaborative workshops. The scenarios serve as blueprints, guiding stakeholders in crafting transition pathways.

At the same time, we also need to actively work towards the future we want. This means considering the needs of different groups to create a shared vision and take action to make it happen. The FHGR is developing workshop scripts to empower stakeholders with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate complex transition processes and drive positive change.

By embracing a futures approach, the TranStat project aims to foster resilience and adaptability by facilitating co-constructed transition processes in the face of climate change.