Interreg Alpine Space


Mockup test for Food Hub Piemonte

Mockup test for Food Hub Piemonte AN INTELLIGENT DIGITAL TOOL ON STRATEGIC CIRCULARITY IN THE FOOD SECTOR  On July 19th, LAMORO Development Agency held a webinar to present to companies from different sectors and relevant stakeholders the Mock-up of the IT tool developed...

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Research Day / Highlight videos are out!

Research Day / Highlight videos are out!

Over the course of AlpTextyles' first year of work, four Project Partners have conducted research work in their respective fields — from the consumer insights of emlyon business school and Istituto Marangoni’s aesthetic research to FAU’s mappings and the historical...

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Mockup test for Food Hub Austria-Bavaria

Mockup test for Food Hub Austria-Bavaria

The new AI tool for your food waste Under the name, our newly developed tool, which aims to reduce food surpluses and waste, offers practical solutions such as upcycling food waste, forwarding it to food banks, using it for non-food products or biogas...

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ReGreen Festival –  what a great experience!

ReGreen Festival – what a great experience!

ReGreen Festival in Croviana: A Unique Occasion to Let Ideas Flow! The keywords of the last three days were connectedness and connectivity: the connectivity of ecosystems through the connectedness of ideas. Starting watching  "The Salt of the Earth" on Friday evening,...

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Lighthouse Test Area in the Municipality of Cogorno

Lighthouse Test Area in the Municipality of Cogorno

In SmartCommUnity project Anci Liguria is creating in the Lighthouse Test Area in the Municipality of Cogorno a digital space for young students. This digital space will help them to find innovative  professional profiles regarding the climate change works. The young...

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2024 European Mountain Convention

2024 European Mountain Convention

TranStat will shape the future of mountain economies at the 13th European Mountain Convention! Emmanuelle George, project coordinator from INRAE, will join hundreds of mountain stakeholders from all across Europe in Puigcerdà (Catalonia) from 15 to 18 October 2024 for...

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Best Practice Cards: New Education Material available

Best Practice Cards: New Education Material available

To present the CEFoodCycle research project at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, (German-language) cards were created that focus on circular economy best practices in the food sector. The best practice cards are used at events, training courses etc. to...

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It’s a wrap on our fourth Partners Meeting

It’s a wrap on our fourth Partners Meeting

Last week, we were in Poschiavo for #AlpTextyles’ fourth Partners Meeting.🇨🇭 Halfway through the project, we have already achieved a lot and laid a solid ground for the next steps. There are research works to assess the state of the textile industry in various...

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GI Day in Italy – what a day!

GI Day in Italy – what a day!

What a terrific #GI-Day in the excellent frame of @abbaziadinovacella. Thanks to @lorenzschiner for sharing his story and letting us know about the trailblazing @farmfluencers Thank you to @RoccoPace from @euracresearch for the wonderful talk about Nature Based...

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A Journey Through Our Pilot Areas: Bohinj

A Journey Through Our Pilot Areas: Bohinj

Join us on an exclusive journey with journalist Maurizio De Matteis from Dislivelli magazine as he captures footage and shares his firsthand experiences for the upcoming BeyondSnow video narrative. Travel with Maurizio as he ventures into the heart of our pilot areas,...

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A Journey Through Our Pilot Areas: Piani D’Erna

A Journey Through Our Pilot Areas: Piani D’Erna

Join us on an exclusive journey with journalist Maurizio De Matteis from Dislivelli magazine as he captures footage and shares his firsthand experiences for the upcoming BeyondSnow video narrative. Travel with Maurizio as he ventures into the heart of our pilot areas,...

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Cradle to Cradle Industrial Transformation Roadmaps

Cradle to Cradle Industrial Transformation Roadmaps

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial innovation, transformation roadmaps have emerged as crucial tools for guiding sectors towards a sustainable and circular economy. The Cradle-ALP project, dedicated to integrating cradle to cradle (C2C) approaches and...

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Getting ready for Poschiavo / Part 1

Getting ready for Poschiavo / Part 1

AlpTextyles’ fourth Partners Meeting, July 4-5, Poschiavo (CH) ✔ Testing digital technology for documenting and broadening access to Alpine heritage textiles for young generations ✔ Making  available for new artisanal and industrial textile product development ✔...

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A Journey Through Our Pilot Areas: Pradibosco in Val Pesarina

A Journey Through Our Pilot Areas: Pradibosco in Val Pesarina

Join us on an exclusive journey with journalist Maurizio De Matteis from Dislivelli magazine as he captures footage and shares his firsthand experiences for the upcoming BeyondSnow video narrative. Travel with Maurizio as he ventures into the heart of our pilot areas,...

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Article with recommendations against overheating in buildings

Article with recommendations against overheating in buildings

The article with recommendations against overheating in buildings and technical advice for climate change adaption was prepared by DIin Sabine Erber from Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, Department of Energy-Efficient and Ecological Building for “dasein” and it was...

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A story about Sun detectives is spreading in Vorarlberg

A story about Sun detectives is spreading in Vorarlberg

This year in 2024 ADAPTNOW partner Energieinstitut Vorarlberg is reaching 50 kindergarten and school groups with their Sun Detectives awareness-raising programme. After their test run in 2023 with 3 kindergarten groups, 4 primary school classes and 3 secondary school...

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Chargé de mission Structure de soutien technique SUERA- DRI- Service Europe (F/H)

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Stand Montafon / Get to know the Partner

Stand Montafon / Get to know the Partner

Located in the picturesque Montafon Valley in Austria, Stand Montafon is an innovative regional management organization dedicated to fostering sustainable development, economic growth, and social well-being within the Montafon region. Thanks to implementing...

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CEFoodCycle goes Lange Nacht der Forschung

CEFoodCycle goes Lange Nacht der Forschung

Austrian circular economy pioneers were presented at this year's Lange Nacht der Forschung. On May 24, 2024, the Lange Nacht der Forschung - an Austria-wide educational event - took place, during which the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences opened its doors to...

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